
副教授 四川大学

研究方向/领域 :






男,工学博士,四川大学国家生物医学材料工程技术研究中心,副教授,硕导。致力于骨科先进生物材料设计、制造与产品研发,长期从事人体硬组织修复产品的仿生建模、3D打印先进制造、以及生物材料测试评价研究。中国生物材料学会会员,首届中国医药生物技术协会 3D 打印技术分会委员,中国机械工程学会生物制造工程分会第二届委员。先后主持承担多项国家级、省部级、及企业横向课题,已公开发表学术论文30余篇;公开12项国家专利,其中8项发明专利授权,2项实用新型授权;先后在多个生物材料领域会议上作邀请报告、口头报告或墙报,担任了多个生物材料领域国际学术期刊审稿人。




[1] Changchun Zhou, Ke Yang, Kefeng Wang, Xuan Pei, Zhihong Dong, Youliang Hong, Xingdong Zhang. Combination of fused deposition modeling and gas foaming technique to fabricated hierarchical macro/microporous polymer scaffolds, Materials and Design;(IF=3.950), 109, pp. 415?424 (2016).
[2] Changchun Zhou, Congying Deng , Yujiang Fan, Xiufen Zhao, Ying Chen, Pengfei Xie, Xingdong Zhang. Mechanical and biological properties of the micro-/nano-grain functionally graded hydroxyapatite bioceramics for bone tissue engineering , J MECH BEHAV BIOMED ;(IF=3.417), 48, pp.1-11, (2015).
[3] Changchun Zhou*, Pengfei Xie, Ying Chen, Yujiang Fan, Yanfei Tan and Xingdong Zhang. Synthesis, sintering, and characterization of porous nano-structured CaP bioceramics prepared by the two-step sintering method. Ceramics International(IF=2.086), 41, pp. 4696?4705, (2015).
[4] Changchun Zhou, Xingjiang Ye, Yujiang Fan, Liang Ma, Yanfei Tan, Fangzu Qing and Xingdong Zhang*. Biomimetic fabrication of a three-level hierarchical calcium phosphate/ collagen/ hydroxyapatite scaffold for bone tissue engineering; Biofabrication;(IF=4.302), 6, pp. 035012-25, 2014.
[5] Changchun Zhou*, Xingjiang Ye, Yujiang Fan, Fangzu Qing, Xingdong Zhang. Synthesis and characterization of CaP/Col composite scaffolds for load-bearing bone tissue engineering;Composites: Part B (IF=2.602) , 2014,62, pp. 242-248, 2014.
[6] Xingjiang Ye, Changchun Zhou*, Zhanwen Xiao, Yujiang Fan, Xiangdong Zhu, Yong Sun, Xingdong Zhang. Fabrication and characterization of porous 3D whisker-covered calcium phosphate scaffolds;Materials Letters;(IF=2.269), 2014, 128, pp. 179-182.
[7] Changchun Zhou, Youliang Hong*, Xingdong Zhang, Applications of nanostructured calcium phosphate in tissue engineering, Biomaterials Science, 2013, 1(10), pp. 1012-1028.
[8] Changchun Zhou, Kefeng Wang, Youliang Hong*, Xingdong Zhang, A review of protein adsorption on the bioceramics, Interface focus (IF=3.124), 2012, 2, pp. 259-277.
[9] Changchun Zhou, Nicholas Vaccaro, Sriharsha S Sundarram, Wei Li*, Fabrication and characterization of polyetherimide nanofoams using supercritical CO2, Journal of Cellular Plastics (IF=1.018), 2012, 48(3), pp. 239-255.
[10] Changchun Zhou, Liang Ma, Wei Li*, Donggang Yao, Fabrication of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds through Solid-state Foaming of Immiscible Polymer Blends, Biofabrication (IF=4.302), 2011, 3(4), pp. 045003-11.
[11] Changchun Zhou, Peng Wang, Wei Li*, Fabrication of Functionally Graded Porous Polymer via Supercritical CO2 Foaming, Composites: Part B (IF=2.602), 2011, 42, pp. 318-325.

[12] Liang Ma, Jeremy Barker, Changchun Zhou, Wei Li, Jing Zhang, Biaoyang Lin*, Gregory Foltz, Jenni Kublbeck, Paavo Honkakoski, Towards personalized medicine with a three-demensional micro-scale perfusion-based two-chamber tissue model system, Biomaterials (IF=8.312), 2012, 33(17), pp. 4353-61.


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